
begleitet von Work Palette
unterwegs seit 03. Apr 2014
0 Beobachter
1 Weitergabe
10.756 km gereist
unterwegs seit 03. Apr 2014
0 Beobachter
1 Weitergabe
10.756 km gereist

3 Ländern

03. Apr 2014
Pulau Penang.. working palette
Swiss stone pine - Zirbe
Vienna, Austria

28. April 2014
Neues Land
24. April 2014
am 24. Apr 2014
am 24. Apr 2014

Neues Land
03. April 2014
am 03. Apr 2014
am 03. Apr 2014
Pulau Penang.. working palette

It is great to know that there are places like that in Penang - places to meet and share ideas. I find such places very important for start-ups!
For me this piece of wood is a symbol for all the energy and visions needed to make an idea come true! I wish you all the best to make your ideas and visions come true :)
zeam - recommendations for use: Keep it as a travel log or pass it over to a person who's ideas and visions you appreciate and wish to become real.

Neuer Kontinent
03. April 2014
am 03. Apr 2014
am 03. Apr 2014
Swiss stone pine - Zirbe

One tree was cut in thousands of pieces to make them small enough to travel the world in my pocket :)
am 03. Apr 2014
am 03. Apr 2014
Vienna, Austria

am 26. Apr 2014
Last days in Penang..